Theme Configuration

In Grav you can easily access theme configuration and blueprint information from your Twig and PHP files.

Accessing Theme Blueprint Information

Information from the currently active theme's blueprints.yaml file can be had from the theme object. Let's use the following blueprints.yaml file as an example:

name: Antimatter
slug: antimatter
type: theme
version: 1.7.0
description: "Antimatter is the default theme included with **Grav**"
icon: empire
  name: Team Grav
  email: [email protected]
keywords: antimatter, theme, core, modern, fast, responsive, html5, css3
license: MIT

You can reach any of these items via grav.theme by using the standard dot-syntax:

Author Email: {{ }}
Theme License: {{ grav.theme.license }}

You can also reach these same values from a Grav plugin with PHP syntax:

$theme_author_email = $this->grav['theme']['author']['email'];
$theme_license = $this->grav['theme']['license'];

Accessing Theme Configuration

Themes have configuration files, too. A theme's configuration file is named <themename>.yaml. The default file lives in the theme's root folder (user/themes/<themename>).

It is strongly recommended not to actually change the theme's default YAML file but to override the settings in the user/config/themes folder. This will ensure that the theme's original settings remain intact, allowing you to quickly access the changes and/or revert back whenever necessary.

For example, let us consider the Antimatter theme. By default, there is a file called antimatter.yaml in the theme's root folder. The contents of this configuration file look like this:

enabled: true
color: blue

This is a simple file, but it provides you an idea of what you can do with theme configuration settings. Let us override these settings and add a new one.

So, create a file in the following location: user/config/themes/antimatter.yaml. In this file put the following contents:

I note that enabled is not repeated here. If the config files are merged and not simply replaced, then that should be explicitly stated.

color: red
info: Grav is awesome!

Then in your theme templates you can access these variables using the grav.theme.config object:

<h1 style="color:{{ grav.theme.config.color|e }}">{{|e }}</h1>

This should render out as:

Grav is awesome!

In PHP you can access the current theme's configuration with:

$color = $this->grav['theme']->config()['color'];
$info = $this->grav['theme']->config()['info'];

Simple! The sky is the limit regarding the configuration of your themes. You can use them for whatever you like! :)

Alternative Notation

The following aliases also work:

Theme Color Option: {{ config.theme.color_option|e }}
Theme Color Option: {{ theme_var(color_option)|e }}
Theme Color Option: {{ grav.themes.antimatter.color_option|e }} [AVOID!]

Even though grav.themes.<themename> is supported, it should be avoided because it makes it impossible to inherit the theme properly.

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