
All Grav configuration files are written in YAML syntax with a .yaml file extension. YAML is very intuitive which makes it very easy to both read and write, however, you can check out the YAML page in the Advanced chapter to get a complete understanding of the syntax available.

System Configuration

Grav focuses on making things as easy as possible for the user, and the same goes for configuration. Grav comes with some sensible default options, and these are contained in a file that resides in the system/config/system.yaml file.

However, you should never change this file, instead any configuration changes you need to make should be stored in a file called user/config/system.yaml. Any setting in this file with the same structure and naming will override the setting provided in the default system configuration file.

Generally speaking you should NEVER change anything in the system/ folder. All things the user does (creating content, installing plugins, editing configuration, etc.) should be done in the user/ folder. This way it allows simpler upgrading and also keeps your changes all in one location for backing up, synchronizing, etc.

Here are the variables found in the default system/config/system.yaml file:

Basic Options

absolute_urls: false
timezone: ''
param_sep: ':'
wrapped_site: false
reverse_proxy_setup: false
force_ssl: false
force_lowercase_urls: true
custom_base_url: ''
username_regex: '^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$'
pwd_regex: '(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}'
intl_enabled: true

These configuration options do not appear within their own child sections. They're general options that affect the way the site operates, its timezone, and base URL.

Property Description
absolute_urls: Absolute or relative URLs for base_url
timezone: Valid values can be found here
default_locale: Default locale (defaults to system)
param_sep: This is used for Grav parameters in the URL. Don't change this unless you know what you are doing. Grav > 1.1.16 automatically sets this to ; for users running Apache web server on Windows
wrapped_site: For themes/plugins to know if Grav is wrapped by another platform. Can be true or false
reverse_proxy_setup: Running in a reverse proxy scenario with different webserver ports than proxy. Can be true or false
force_ssl: If enabled, Grav forces to be accessed via HTTPS (NOTE: Not an ideal solution). Can be true or false
force_lowercase_urls: If you want to support mixed cased URLs set this to false
custom_base_url: Manually set the base_url here
username_regex: Only lowercase chars, digits, dashes, underscores. 3 - 16 chars
pwd_regex: At least one number, one uppercase and lowercase letter, and be at least 8+ chars
intl_enabled: Special logic for PHP International Extension (mod_intl)


  supported: []
  include_default_lang: true
  pages_fallback_only: false
  translations: true
  translations_fallback: true
  session_store_active: false
  http_accept_language: false
  override_locale: false

The Languages area of the file establishes the site's language settings. This includes which language(s) are supported, designation of the default language in the URLs, and translations. Here is the breakdown for the Languages area of the system configuration file:

Property Description
supported: List of languages supported. eg: [en, fr, de]
include_default_lang: Include the default lang prefix in all URLs. Can be true or false
pages_fallback_only: Only fallback to find page content through supported languages. Can be true or false
translations: Enable translations by default. Can be true or false
translations_fallback: Fallback through supported translations if active lang doesn't exist. Can be true or false
session_store_active: Store active language in session. Can be true or false
http_accept_language: Attempt to set the language based on http_accept_language header in the browser. Can be true or false
override_locale: Override the default or system locale with language specific one. Can be true or false


  alias: '/home'
  hide_in_urls: false

The Home section is where you set the default path for the site's homepage. You can also choose to hide the home route in URLs.

Property Description
alias: Default path for home, ie: /home or /
hide_in_urls: Hide the home route in URLs. Can be true or false


  theme: quark
    by: default
    dir: asc
    count: 20
    short: 'jS M Y'
    long: 'F jS \a\t g:ia'
  publish_dates: true
    markdown: true
    twig: false
  twig_first: false
  never_cache_twig: false
    page: true
    twig: true
    extra: false
    auto_line_breaks: false
    auto_url_links: false
    escape_markup: false
      '>': 'gt'
      '<': 'lt'
  types: [txt,xml,html,htm,json,rss,atom]
  append_url_extension: ''
  expires: 604800
  last_modified: false
  etag: false
  vary_accept_encoding: false
  redirect_default_route: false
  redirect_default_code: 302
  redirect_trailing_slash: true
  ignore_files: [.DS_Store]
  ignore_folders: [.git, .idea]
  ignore_hidden: true
  hide_empty_folders: false
  url_taxonomy_filters: true
    process_twig: false
    ignore_fields: ['form','forms']

The Pages section of the system/config/system.yaml file is where you set a lot of the main theme-related settings. For example, this is where you set the theme used to render the site, page ordering, twig and markdown processing defaults, and more. This is where most of the decisions that affect the way your pages are rendered are made.

Property Description
theme: This is where you set the default theme. This defaults to quark
... by: Order pages by default, alpha or date
... dir: Default ordering direction, asc or desc
... count: Default item count per page
... default: The default date format Grav expects in the date: field
... short: Short date format. Example: 'jS M Y'
... long: Long date format. Example: 'F jS \a\t g:ia'
publish_dates: Automatically publish/unpublish based on dates. Can be set true or false
... markdown: Enable or disable the processing of markdown on the front end. Can be set true or false
... twig: Enable or disable the processing of twig on the front end. Can be set true or false
twig_first: Process Twig before markdown when processing both on a page. Can be set true or false
never_cache_twig: Enabling this will allow you to add a processing logic that can change dynamically on each page load, rather than caching the results and storing it for each page load. This can be enabled/disabled site-wide in the system.yaml, or on a specific page. Can be set true or false
... page: Enable page-level events. Can be set true or false
... twig: Enable Twig-level events. Can be set true or false
... extra: Enable support for Markdown Extra support (GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM) by default). Can be set true or false
... auto_line_breaks: Enable automatic line breaks. Can be set true or false
... auto_url_links: Enable automatic HTML links. Can be set true or false
... escape_markup: Escape markup tags into entities. Can be set true or false
... special_chars: List of special characters to automatically convert to entities. Each character consumes a line below this variable. Example: '>': 'gt'
types: List of valid page types. For example: [txt,xml,html,htm,json,rss,atom]
append_url_extension: Append page's extension in Page URLs (e.g. .html results in /path/page.html)
expires: Page expires time in seconds (604800 seconds = 7 days) (no cache is also possible)
cache_control: Can be blank for no setting, or a valid cache-control text value
last_modified: Set the last modified date header based on file modification timestamp. Can be set true or false
etag: Set the etag header tag. Can be set to true or false
vary_accept_encoding: Add Vary: Accept-Encoding header. Can be set to true or false
redirect_default_route: Automatically redirect to a page's default route. Can be set to true or false
redirect_default_code: Default code to use for redirects. For example: 302
redirect_trailing_slash: Handle automatically or 302 redirect a trailing / URL
ignore_files: Files to ignore in Pages. Example: [.DS_Store]
ignore_folders: Folders to ignore in Pages. Example: [.git, .idea]
ignore_hidden: Ignore all Hidden files and folders. Can be set to true or false
hide_empty_folders: If folder has no .md file, should it be hidden. Can be set to true or false
url_taxonomy_filters: Enable auto-magic URL-based taxonomy filters for page collections. Can be set to true or false
... process_twig: Should the frontmatter be processed to replace Twig variables? Can be set to true or false
... ignore_fields: Fields that might contain Twig variables and should not be processed. Example: ['form','forms']


  enabled: true
    method: file
  driver: auto
  prefix: 'g'
  purge_at: '0 4 * * *'
  clear_at: '0 3 * * *'
  clear_job_type: 'standard'
  clear_images_by_default: true
  cli_compatibility: false
  lifetime: 604800
  gzip: false
  allow_webserver_gzip: false
    socket: false

The Cache section is where you can configure the site's caching settings. You can enable, disable, choose the method, and more.

Property Description
enabled: Set to true to enable caching. Can be set to true or false
... method: Method to check for updates in pages. Options: file, folder, hash and none. more details
driver: Select a cache driver. Options are: auto, file, apcu, redis, memcache, and wincache
prefix: Cache prefix string (prevents cache conflicts). Example: g
purge_at: Scheduler: How often to purge old cache using cron at syntax
clear_at: Scheduler: How often to clear the cache using cron at syntax
clear_job_type: Type to clear when processing the scheduled clear job. Options: standard | all
clear_images_by_default: By default grav will include processed images when cache clears, this can be disabled by setting this to false
cli_compatibility: Ensures only non-volatile drivers are used (file, redis, memcache, etc.)
lifetime: Lifetime of cached data in seconds (0 = infinite). 604800 is 7 days
gzip: GZip compress the page output. Can be set to true or false
allow_webserver_gzip: This option will change the header to Content-Encoding: identity allowing gzip to be more reliably set by the webserver although this usually breaks the out-of-process onShutDown() capability. The event will still run, but it won't be out of process, and may hold up the page until the event is complete
... socket: The path to the redis socket file


  cache: true
  debug: true
  auto_reload: true
  autoescape: false
  undefined_functions: true
  undefined_filters: true
  umask_fix: false

The Twig section gives you a quick set of tools with which to configure Twig on your site for debugging, caching, and optimization.

Property Description
cache: Set to true to enable Twig caching. Can be set to true or false
debug: Enable Twig debug. Can be set to true or false
auto_reload: Refresh cache on changes. Can be set to true or false
autoescape: Autoescape Twig vars. Can be set to true or false
undefined_functions: Allow undefined functions. Can be set to true or false
undefined_filters: Allow undefined filters. Can be set to true or false
umask_fix: By default Twig creates cached files as 755, fix switches this to 775. Can be set to true or false


  css_pipeline: false
  css_pipeline_include_externals: true
  css_pipeline_before_excludes: true
  css_minify: true
  css_minify_windows: false
  css_rewrite: true
  js_pipeline: false
  js_pipeline_include_externals: true
  js_pipeline_before_excludes: true
  js_minify: true
  enable_asset_timestamp: false
    jquery: system://assets/jquery/jquery-2.x.min.js

The Assets section enables you to configure options related to the Assets Manager (JS, CSS).

Property Description
css_pipeline: The CSS pipeline is the unification of multiple CSS resources into one file. Can be set to true or false
css_pipeline_include_externals: Include external URLs in the pipeline by default. Can be set to true or false
css_pipeline_before_excludes: Render the pipeline before any excluded files. Can be set to true or false
css_minify: Minify the CSS during pipelining. Can be set to true or false
css_minify_windows: Minify Override for Windows platforms. false by default due to ThreadStackSize. Can be set to true or false
css_rewrite: Rewrite any CSS relative URLs during pipelining. Can be set to true or false
js_pipeline: The JS pipeline is the unification of multiple JS resources into one file. Can be set to true or false
js_pipeline_include_externals: Include external URLs in the pipeline by default. Can be set to true or false
js_pipeline_before_excludes: Render the pipeline before any excluded files. Can be set to true or false
js_minify: Minify the JS during pipelining. Can be set to true or false
enable_asset_timestamp: Enable asset timestamps. Can be set to true or false
collections: This contains collections, designated as sub-items. For example: jquery: system://assets/jquery/jquery-3.x.min.js


  display: 0
  log: true

The Errors section determines how Grav handles error display and logging.

Property Description
display: Determines how errors are displayed. Enter either 1 for the full backtrace, 0 for Simple Error, or -1 for System Error
log: Log errors to /logs folder. Can be set to true or false


  handler: file
    facility: local6

The Log section allows you to configure alternate logging capabilities for Grav.

Property Description
handler: Log handler. Currently supported: file | syslog
... facility: Syslog facilities output


  enabled: false
    close_connection: true

The Debugger section gives you the ability to activate Grav's debugger. A useful tool during development.

Property Description
enabled: Enable Grav debugger and following settings. Can be set to true or false
... close_connection: Close the connection before calling onShutdown(). false for debugging


  default_image_quality: 85
  cache_all: false
  cache_perms: '0755'
  debug: false
  auto_fix_orientation: false
  seofriendly: false

The Images section gives you the ability to set the default image quality images are resampled to, as well as to control image caching and debugging features.

Property Description
default_image_quality: Default image quality to use when resampling images. For example: 85 = 85%
cache_all: Cache all images by default. Can be set to true or false
cache_perms: Must be in quotes! Default cache folder perms. Usually '0755' or '0775'
debug: Show an overlay over images indicating the pixel depth of the image when working with retina, for example. Can be set to true or false
auto_fix_orientation: Try to automatically fix images uploaded with non-standard rotation
seofriendly: SEO-friendly processed image names


  enable_media_timestamp: false
  unsupported_inline_types: []
  allowed_fallback_types: []
  auto_metadata_exif: false

The Media section handles the configuration options for settings related to the handling of media files. This includes timestamp display, upload size, and more.

Property Description
enable_media_timestamp: Enable media timetsamps
unsupported_inline_types: Array of supported media types to try to display inline. These file types are placed within [] brackets
allowed_fallback_types: Array of allowed media types of files found if accessed via Page route. These file types are placed within [] brackets
auto_metadata_exif: Automatically create metadata files from Exif data where possible


  enabled: true
  initialize: true
  timeout: 1800
  name: grav-site
  uniqueness: path
  secure: false
  httponly: true
  split: true

These options determine session properties for your site.

Property Description
enabled: Enable Session support. Can be set to true or false
initialize: Initialize session from Grav (if false, plugin needs to start the session)
timeout: Timeout in seconds. For example: 1800
name: Name prefix of the session cookie. Use alphanumeric, dashes or underscores only. Do not use dots in the session name. For example: grav-site
uniqueness: Should sessions be path based or security.salt based
secure: Set session secure. If true, indicates that communication for this cookie must be over an encrypted transmission. Enable this only on sites that run exclusively on HTTPS. Can be set to true or false
httponly: Set session HTTP only. If true, indicates that cookies should be used only over HTTP, and JavaScript modification is not allowed. Can be set to true or false
path: The path where sessions are stored


  releases: stable
  method: 'auto'
  verify_peer: true
  official_gpm_only: true

Options in the GPM section control Grav's GPM (Grav Package Manager). For example, you can restrict GPM to using official sources and select the method GPM uses to retrieve packages. You can also choose between stable and testing releases, as well as set up a proxy URL.

Property Description
releases: Set to either stable or testing to determine if you want to update to the latest stable or testing build
proxy_url: Configure a manual proxy URL for GPM. For example:
method: Either 'curl', 'fopen' or 'auto'. 'auto' will try fopen first and if not available cURL
verify_peer: On some systems (Windows mostly) GPM is unable to connect because the SSL certificate cannot be verified. Disabling this setting might help
official_gpm_only: By default GPM direct-install will only allow URLs via the official GPM proxy to ensure security, disable this to allow other sources


  type: data
  storage: file

Accounts is a new setting for 1.6 that allows you to try out the new experimental Flex Users. This basically means that Users are stored as Flex objects allowing more power and performance.

Property Description
type: Account type: data or flex
storage: Flex storage type: file or folder

Strict Mode

  yaml_compat: true
  twig_compat: true

Strict mode allows for a cleaner migration to future versions of Grav by moving to the newer versions of YAML and Twig processors. These may not be compatible with all 3rd party extensions.

Property Description
yaml_compat: Enables YAML backwards compatibility
twig_compat: Enables deprecated Twig autoescape setting

You do not need to copy the entire configuration file to override it, you can override as little or as much as you like. Just ensure you have the exact same naming structure for the particular setting you want to override.

Site Configuration

As well as the system.yaml file, Grav also provides a default site.yaml configuration file that is used to set some front-end specific configuration such as author name, author email, as well as some key taxonomy settings. You can override these in the same way as you would the system.yaml by providing your own configuration file in user/config/site.yaml. You can also use this file to put in arbitrary configuration options that you may want to reference from your content or templates.

The default system/config/site.yaml file that ships with Grav looks something like this:

title: Grav                                 # Name of the site
default_lang: en                            # Default language for site (potentially used by theme)

  name: John Appleseed                      # Default author name
  email: '[email protected]'                 # Default author email

taxonomies: [category,tag]                  # Arbitrary list of taxonomy types

  description: 'My Grav Site'               # Site description

  enabled: true                             # enable or disable summary of page
  format: short                             # long = summary delimiter will be ignored; short = use the first occurrence of delimiter or size
  size: 300                                 # Maximum length of summary (characters)
  delimiter: ===                            # The summary delimiter

#  '/redirect-test': '/'                    # Redirect test goes to home page
#  '/old/(.*)': '/new/$1'                   # Would redirect /old/my-page to /new/my-page

#  '/something/else': '/blog/sample-3'      # Alias for /blog/sample-3
#  '/new/(.*)': '/blog/$1'                  # Regex any /new/my-page URL to /blog/my-page Route

  route: '/blog'                            # Custom value added (accessible via

#menu:                                      # Menu Example
#    - text: Source
#      icon: github
#      url:
#    - icon: twitter
#      url:

Let's break down the elements of this sample file:

Property Description
title: The title is a simple string variable that can be referenced whenever you want to display the name of this site
... name: The name of the author of the site, that can be referenced whenever you need it
... email: A default email for use in your site
taxonomies: An arbitrary list of high-level types that you can use to organize your content. You can assign content to specific taxonomy types, for example, categories or tags. Feel free to edit, or add your own
metadata: Set default metadata for all your pages, see the content page headers section for more details
... size: A variable to override the default number of characters that can be used to set the summary size when displaying a portion of content
routes: This is a basic map that can provide simple URL alias capabilities in Grav. If you browse to /something/else you will actually be sent to /blog/sample-3. Feel free to edit, or add your own as needed. Regex Replacements ((.*) - $1) are now supported at the end of route aliases. You should put these at the bottom of the list for optimal performance
(custom options) You can create any option you like in this file and a good example is the blog: route: '/blog' option that is accessible in your Twig templates with

For most people, the most important element of this file is the Taxonomy list. The taxonomies in this list must be defined here if you wish to use them in your content.


In Grav 1.5 we introduced a new system/config/security.yaml file that sets some sensible defaults and is used by the Admin plugin when Saving content, as well in the new Reports section of Tools.

The default configuration looks like this:

xss_whitelist: [admin.super]
    on_events: true
    invalid_protocols: true
    moz_binding: true
    html_inline_styles: true
    dangerous_tags: true
    - javascript
    - livescript
    - vbscript
    - mocha
    - feed
    - data
    - applet
    - meta
    - xml
    - blink
    - link
    - style
    - script
    - embed
    - object
    - iframe
    - frame
    - frameset
    - ilayer
    - layer
    - bgsound
    - title
    - base
    - php
    - html
    - htm
    - js
    - exe

If you wish to make any changes to these settings, you should copy this file to user/config/security.yaml and make edits there.

Other Configuration Settings and Files

User configuration is completely optional. You can override as little or as much of the default settings as you need. This applies to both the system, site, and any plugin configurations in your site.

You are also not limited to the user/config/system.yaml or the user/config/site.yaml files as described above. You can create any arbitrary .yaml configuration file in the user/config folder you wish and it will get picked up by Grav automatically.

As an example if the new configuration file is named user/config/data.yaml and a yaml variable in this file is called count:

count: 39

The variable would be accessed in your Twig template by using the following syntax:

{{ }}

It would also be accessible via PHP from any plugin with the code:

$count_var = Grav::instance()['config']->get('data.count');

You can also provide a custom blueprint to enable your custom file to be editable in the admin plugin. Check out the relevant recipe in the Admin Cookbook section.

Config Variable Namespacing

Paths to the configuration files will be used as a namespace for your configuration options.

Alternatively, you can put all the options into one file and use YAML structures to specify the hierarchy for your configuration options. This namespacing is built from a combination of the path + filename + option name.

For example: An option such as author: Frank Smith in file plugins/myplugin.yaml could be accessible via: However, you could also have a plugins.yaml file and in that file have an option name called myplugin: author: Frank Smith and it would still be reachable by the same namespace.

Some example configuration files could be structured:

File Description
user/config/system.yaml Global system configuration file
user/config/site.yaml A site-specific configuration file
user/config/plugins/myplugin.yaml Individual configuration file for myplugin plugin
user/config/themes/mytheme.yaml   Individual configuration file for mytheme theme

Having a namespaced configuration file will override or mask all options having the same path in the default configuration files

Plugins Configuration

Most plugins will come with their own YAML configuration file. We recommend copying this file to the user/config/plugins/ directory rather than editing configuration options directly to the file located in the plugin's directory. Doing this will ensure that an update to the plugin will not overwrite your settings, and keep all of your configurable options in one, convenient place.

If you have a plugin called user/plugins/myplugin that has a configuration file called user/plugins/myplugin/myplugin.yaml then you would copy this file to user/config/plugins/myplugin.yaml and edit the file there.

The YAML file that exists within the plugin's primary directory will act as a fallback. Any settings listed there and not in the User folder's copy will be picked up and used by Grav.

Themes Configuration

The same rules for themes apply as they did for plugins. So if you have a theme called user/themes/mytheme that has a configuration file called user/themes/mytheme/mytheme.yaml then you would copy this file to user/config/themes/mytheme.yaml and edit the file there.

Found errors? Think you can improve this documentation? Simply click the Edit link at the top of the page, and then the icon on Github to make your changes.
