Admin Recipes

This page contains an assortment of problems and their respective solutions related to Grav Admin modifications.

Add a custom YAML file


You want to provide a site-wide group of user-editable company fields akin to system.yaml or site.yaml, but in its own dedicated file.


As outlined in the Basics / Configuration section, the first step is to provide your new YAML data file, for example: user/config/details.yaml:

name: 'ABC Company Limited'
address: '8732 North Cumbria Street, Golden, CO, 80401'
  general: '[email protected]'
  support: '[email protected]'
  sales: '[email protected]'
  default: '555-123-1111'

Now you need to provide the appropriate blueprint file to define the form. The blueprint can be provided by a plugin, but the simplest approach is to simply put the blueprint in a file: user/blueprints/config/details.yaml

If you wanted to provide the blueprint via a plugin, you would first need to add this code to your plugin right after the class definition:

class MyPlugin extends Plugin
    public $features = [
        'blueprints' => 1000,
    protected $version;

Then add this code to your onPluginsInitialized() method:

if ($this->isAdmin()) {
    // Store this version and prefer newer method
    if (method_exists($this, 'getBlueprint')) {
        $this->version = $this->getBlueprint()->version;
    } else {
        $this->version = $this->grav['plugins']->get('admin')->blueprints()->version;

Then create a file called user/plugins/myplugin/blueprints/config/details.yaml

The actual blueprint file should contain a form definition that matches the configuration data:

title: Company Details
    validation: loose

            type: section
            title: 'Details'
            underline: true
            type: text
            label: 'Company Name'
            size: medium
            placeholder: 'ACME Corp'

            type: textarea
            label: 'Address'
            placeholder: '555 Somestreet,\r\nNewville, TX, 77777'
            size: medium

            type: array
            label: 'Email Addresses'
            placeholder_key: Key
            placeholder_value: Email Address

            type: array
            label: 'Phone Numbers'
            placeholder_key: Key
            placeholder_value: Phone Number

The use of the array field type will let you add arbitrary email and phone fields as you need them.

Add a custom page creation modal


You want to provide an easy way to create a new blog post or gallery image page. We will go with the blog post for this example. Assume you want to make a blog and easily create a blog post in the correct folder by clicking a button.


First of all, create the form for our modal. Create a new file: user/blueprints/admin/pages/new_post.yaml.

  validation: loose
        type: section
        title: Add Post

      type: text
      label: Post Title
        required: true

      type: hidden
      default: '@slugify-title'

      type: hidden
      default: /posts

      type: hidden
      default: 'post'

      type: hidden
      default: ''

      type: blueprint

This form mimics the default Add Page modal's form. For the folder as you can see we have a special value: @slugify-title. This means that the folder will default to the slugified version of the title form input. route is /posts so it will put it into the /posts folder.

name is post so it will use the post page blueprint.

Second step is to edit the configuration of the Admin plugin. To add custom code to the configuration file admin.yaml of the Admin Plugin, create the file user/config/plugins/admin.yamland add this snippet:

    label: Add Post
    blueprint: admin/pages/new_post
    show_in: bar

Configuration keys/values available for add_modals:

  • label - text to be shown in the button
  • show_in (default: bar) (values: bar|dropdown) - whether to show the button in the bar or dropdown
  • blueprint - blueprint used by the template
  • template - template used by the modal (default: partials/blueprints-new.html.twig)
  • with - data which is passed to the template
  • link_classes - classes to add to the link element
  • modal_classes - classes to add to the modal element

Add a custom select field


You want to add a select field with a large list of values. In this example, we will assume you want to display a list of countries.


You can create a static function and call the array from within your blueprint. You can code this function either in your theme's php file, or in a custom plugin.

In this example, we will add the function to the Antimatter theme, we will thus edit the antimatter.php file which is in the user/themes/antimatter folder.

namespace Grav\Theme;

use Grav\Common\Theme;

class Antimatter extends Theme
    public static function countryCodes()
        return array (
            'AF' => 'Afghanistan',
            'AX' => 'Åland Islands',
            'AL' => 'Albania',
            'DZ' => 'Algeria',
            'AS' => 'American Samoa',
            'AD' => 'Andorra',
            'AO' => 'Angola',
            'AI' => 'Anguilla',
            'AQ' => 'Antarctica',
            'AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda',
            'AR' => 'Argentina',
            'AM' => 'Armenia',
            'AW' => 'Aruba',
            'AC' => 'Ascension Island',
            'AU' => 'Australia',
            'AT' => 'Austria',
            'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan',
            'BS' => 'Bahamas',
            'BH' => 'Bahrain',
            'BD' => 'Bangladesh',
            'BB' => 'Barbados',
            'BY' => 'Belarus',
            'BE' => 'Belgium',
            'BZ' => 'Belize',
            'BJ' => 'Benin',
            'BM' => 'Bermuda',
            'BT' => 'Bhutan',

This is a trimmed-down list for easy viewing but you can copy/paste the full country list from umpirsky/count-list

Then, we call the function from a blueprint or a frontend form definition like this:

  type: select
  label: Country
  data-options@: '\Grav\Theme\Antimatter::countryCodes'

Here is how it will look in the admin

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