Using Flex Objects

Flex Objects is designed to be easy to use. Displaying collection and groups in your pages can mostly be done from Twig templates.

TIP: To enable and display Flex Directory, please read Enabling a Directory

Using flex-objects Page Type

Display multiple directories in your directories/ page:

title: Directories
  layout: default
  - contacts
  - services

# Directories

Alternatively you can pass separate parameters for each directory:

title: Directories
  layout: default
        title: '{{ directory.title }}'
        layout: default
          layout: list-default
        title: 'Contact: {{ object.first_name }} {{ object.last_name }}'
        layout: default

# Directories

Display a single directory in your contacts/ page:

title: Contacts
  directory: contacts
    title: '{{ directory.title }}'
    layout: default
      layout: list-default
    title: 'Contact: {{ object.first_name }} {{ object.last_name }}'
    layout: default

# Contacts

Display a single object in your my-contact/ page:

title: Contact
  directory: contacts
  id: ki2ts4cbivggmtlj
    title: 'Contact: {{ object.first_name }} {{ object.last_name }}'
    layout: default

# Contacts

By default, flex-objects page type takes two URL parameters, directory and id. They are used to navigate directories. Example URLs look like this:

TIP: You can pass your own parameters inside flex and use them in your collection and object template files.

Rendering Collections and Objects

Both Collections and Objects support rendering their output in HTML. Output can be customized with two parameters: layout and context. Layout allows you to set custom looks, for example you can have list of cards and then more detailed output for details. Context allows you to pass variables to be used in the template files.

{% render collection layout: 'custom' with { context_variable: true } %}

{% render object layout: 'custom' with { context_variable: true } %}

See more detailed documentation: Render Collection and Render Object.

Templating Basics

Flex templates are located in templates/flex folder:


Each type has two folders, one for rendering collection and one for rendering object. The files inside are layouts, named after the filename. In our example, we have default layout for both the collection and the object.

Collection Template

Collection template flex/contacts/collection/default.html.twig is responsible for rendering all the objects in the collection. Rendered output is cached by default. Cache key is defined by the collection and the context passed to the render() method.

WARNING: If context contains non-scalar values, caching will be turned off. Try to keep the context as simple as possible!

Here is an example from Contacts Type:

<div id="flex-objects">
  <div class="text-center">
    <input class="form-input search" type="text" placeholder="Search by name, email, etc" />
    <button class="button button-primary sort asc" data-sort="name">
      Sort by Name

  <ul class="list">
    {% for object in collection.filterBy({ published: true }) %}
        {% render object layout: layout with { options: options } %}
    {% endfor %}

    var options = {
        valueNames: [ 'name', 'email', 'website', 'entry-extra' ]
    var flexList = new List('flex-objects', options);

TIP: If the rendered HTML has dynamic content, render cache can be disabled from the Twig template by {% do block.disableCache() %}.

Object Template

Object template flex/contacts/object/default.html.twig is responsible for rendering a single object. Rendered output is cached by default. Cache key is defined by the object and the context passed to the render() method.

WARNING: If context contains non-scalar values, caching will be turned off. Try to keep the context as simple as possible!

Here is an example from Contacts Type:

<div class="entry-details">
    {% if %}
        <a href="{{|e }}"><span class="name">{{ object.last_name|e }}, {{ object.first_name|e }}</span></a>
    {% else %}
        <span class="name">{{ object.last_name|e }}, {{ object.first_name|e }}</span>
    {% endif %}
    {% if %}
        <p><a href="mailto:{{|e }}" class="email">{{|e }}</a></p>
    {% endif %}
<div class="entry-extra">
    {% for tag in object.tags %}
        <span>{{ tag|e }}</span>
    {% endfor %}

TIP: If the rendered HTML has dynamic content, render cache can be disabled from the Twig template by {% do block.disableCache() %}.

Custom Layouts

By using custom layouts, you can create an infinite amount of different views into both of your collections and objects.

You can create your custom layouts by just adding a new file next to default.html.twig file. The basename of the file is the same as your layout name.

TIP: In collection layouts, it is recommended to call {% render object layout: 'xxx' %} instead of outputting the object variables directly into the collection template.

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