Reference: Form Actions

Form actions

We saw some example form actions in the simple form example above. Let's detail the actions you can use.


Sends an email with the specified options.


    - email:
        from: "{{ }}"
        to: "{{ }}"
        subject: "Contact by {{|e }}"
        body: "{% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}"

Sends an email from the email address specified in the Email plugin configuration, sends it to that same email address (it's a contact form, we send it to ourselves). Unless you want to use other values, you could freely omit from and to, as they are already configured by default to use these values. The email has the set subject and body. In this case, the body is generated by the forms/data.html.twig file, which is found in the active template (Antimatter and the other main themes have it, but it's not guaranteed that every theme includes it).

Antimatter sets it to

{% for field in form.fields %}
    <div><strong>{{ field.label }}</strong>: {{ string(form.value(|e) }}</div>
{% endfor %}

In short, it just loops the values and prints them in the email body.

Refer to the email plugin documentation for additional important form email options including multipart message bodies (good for anti-spam scores), reply_to, and attachments.

Dynamic email attribute

If you want for example to set the email.from field from a Form input, you can get its content and use it in this way:

from: "{{|e }}"

In this case, we get the field "email" from the form, and use it for the "from" attribute. This way the site owner will receive an email and will be able to directly reply to the email entered in the form.


Redirects the user to another page. The action is immediate, so if you use this, you probably need to put it at the bottom of the actions list.

    - redirect: '/forms/landing-page'

You may also set some or all of the redirect field from a form input or hidden form field. You can get its content and use it in this way:

redirect: "/path to/location/{{ form.value.hiddenfield }}"

In this case, we get the field "hiddenfield" from the form, and use it for the last portion of the redirect location. This can be useful when creating forms that, for example, redirect to a download upon completion.


Sets a message to be shown upon form submission.

    - message: Thank you for your feedback!

By default, the message will be rendered at the beginning of the form element.

However, you can optionally modify the presentation either through display or through redirect.

Validation Message

You can utilize the message action to trigger in the event of a failed validation. For example:

   type: text
   label: Username
     required: true
     message: My custom message when validation fails!

This will enable you to write a custom message that users will see in the event that validation fails.


After submitting the form, the presentation of the form will update to embed a subpage. So for example, if your form lives in /form, you can embed the subpage /form/thankyou with the following code:

    - display: thankyou

If you prefer to embed an absolute page path, like, prepend it with /, for example: display: /thankyou.

The Form plugin provides a formdata template that's suitable for the process destination page, as it outputs the result of the form submission. In the above example, you could create a pages/form/thankyou/ page.

Antimatter and compatible themes provide the formdata.html.twig Twig template, that looks like this:

{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}

    {{ content|raw }}

    <div class="alert">{{ form.message|e }}</div>
    <p>Here is the summary of what you wrote to us:</p>

    {% include "forms/data.html.twig" %}

{% endblock %}

If the thankyou/ page is

title: Email sent
cache_enable: false
    twig: true

## Email sent!

The output will be a page with the "Email sent!" title, followed by a confirmation message and the form data entered in the previous page.

You could use any page type you want, as a destination page. Just create your own and set the destination page type accordingly.


Saves the form data to a file. The file is saved to the user/data folder, in a subfolder named as the parameter. The form must have a name for this action to succeed, and the subfolder must be created with appropriate permissions before data can be saved in it, as a new directory will not be created if one does not exist. For example:

The fileprefix and body can contain Twig markup.

    - save:
        fileprefix: feedback-
        dateformat: Ymd-His-u
        extension: txt
        body: "{% include 'forms/data.txt.twig' %}"
        operation: create

The body is taken from the theme's templates/forms/data.html.twig file, provided by Antimatter and updated themes.

the operation can be either create (default) to create a new file per-form-submission or add to append to a single file.

note that the add operation now requires a static filename: to be defined see the example below.

    - save:
        filename: feedback.txt
        body: "{% include 'forms/data.txt.twig' %}"
        operation: add


To also validate the captcha server-side, add the captcha process action.

        - captcha:
            recaptcha_secret: ENTER_YOUR_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY

The recaptcha_secret is optional and will use the Form plugin's configuration values if you have provided them there.

User IP Address

Display the user's IP address on the output. Put it above email / save processes in the '' to ensure it is used by the output processe(s).

    - ip:
        label: User IP Address


Add a form submission timestamp to the output. Put it above email / save processes in the '' to ensure it is used by the output process(es).

    - timestamp:
        label: Submission Timestamp

Reset the form after submit

By default, the form is not cleared after the submit. So if you don't have a display action and the user is sent back to the form page, it's still filled with the data entered. If you want to avoid this, add a reset action:

    - reset: true

Remember field values

Using the remember action, you can allow your users to have some field values "recalled" from the last time a form was submitted. This is especially useful for forms which are submitted repeatedly, like an anonymous submission that requires information about the submitter.

HTML5 and Grav's Form plugin already provide this in limited ways through the browser, so do make use of this. However, you may find that autocomplete doesn't work reliably for some users and fields.

The remember action uses cookies to store the last value, so it will only work on the same device and browser where the browser is configured to allow them from your site.

To use this action, simply list the names of the fields you would like to be remembered.

For example, an online medical referral form is a good use case. These are typically completed from the same computer with some field values that rarely change and are boring to complete repeatedly.

    - remember:
        - referrer-name
        - referrer-address
        - referrer-specialty
        - preferred-practitioner

Custom Actions

You can "hook" into a form processing and perform any kind of operation. Perform custom processing, add data for an online web application, even save to a database.

To do this, in the form process field add your own processing action name, for example 'yourAction'.

    yourAction: true

Then, create a simple plugin.

In its main PHP file, register for the event onFormProcessed

namespace Grav\Plugin;
use Grav\Common\Plugin;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;

class EmailPlugin extends Plugin
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'onFormProcessed' => ['onFormProcessed', 0]

Then provide a handler for the saveToDatabase action:

public function onFormProcessed(Event $event)
        $form = $event['form'];
        $action = $event['action'];
        $params = $event['params'];

        switch ($action) {
            case 'yourAction':
                //do what you want

If your processing might go wrong and you want to stop the next form actions, which are executed in series, you can stop the processing by calling stopPropagation on the $event object:


Sample code with form handling is available in the Form plugin, and in the Email plugin repositories.

An example of custom form handling

The Form plugin offers this ability of sending emails, saving files, setting status messages and it’s really handy. Sometimes however you need total control. That’s for example what the Login plugin does.

It defines the page frontmatter:

title: Login
template: form

    name: login

        - name: username
          type: text
          placeholder: Username
          autofocus: true

        - name: password
          type: password
          placeholder: Password

The Forms plugin correctly generates and shows the form. Notice there’s no process defined.

The form buttons are missing too, since they’re manually added in templates/login.html.twig. That’s where the form action and task are defined too.

In this case, task is login.login, and action is set to the page url.

When a user presses 'Login' in the form, Grav calls the onTask.login.login event.

user/plugins/login/login.php hooks up to onTask.login.login to its classes/controller.php file, and that's where the authentication happens.

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