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How to: Add a file upload

File Uploads

You can add file upload functionality in Pages, Config, Plugins and Themes blueprints. File uploads are always Ajax based and allow Drag & Drop from the desktop or picking them as regular file fields. Every time a file is added to the field, it's automatically uploaded to a temporary folder, and will only be stored when the Save (or Submit) action takes place.

Example of usage:

  name: myfile
  type: file
  label: A Label
  destination: 'plugins://my-plugin/assets'
  multiple: true
  autofocus: false
    - image/*

In order to add a file upload, you must have a bottom javascript render command in your base Twig template. {{ assets.js('bottom') }}


A file field has multiple options available, from the accepted MIME type or extension, to the file size allowed:


  type: file
  label: A Label
  multiple: false
  destination: 'self@'
  random_name: false
  avoid_overwriting: false
  limit: 10
    - image/*


multiple: false # [false | true]

Like a regular HTML5 file field, when the multiple option is enabled, it allows to upload more than a single file. This setting is also tied to the limit option, which determines how many of the multiple files are allowed for the field.


destination: 'self@' # [<path> | <stream> | self@ | page@:<path>]

Destination is the location where uploaded files should be stored. This can be either a regular path (relative to the root of Grav), a stream (such as theme://images), self@ or the special page@: prefix. You can also reference a subfolder relative to the current page with self@/path.

self@ is not allowed outside the Pages or Flex Objects scope, an error will be thrown. If you use a file field outside a Page or Flex Object, you should always change the destination setting.

  1. If it's desired to upload files to a plugin testing folder (user/plugins/testing), destination would be:

    destination: 'plugins://testing'
  2. Assuming we have a blog item at the route /blog/ajax-upload (physical location being user/pages/02.blog/ajax-upload), with the page@: prefix the destination would be:

    destination: 'page@:/blog/ajax-upload'
  3. Assuming the current theme is antimatter and we want to upload to the assets folder (physical location being user/themes/antimatter/assets), with the theme stream the destination would be:

    destination: 'theme://assets'


random_name: false # [false | true]

When the random_name is enabled, the uploaded file will get renamed with a random string 15 characters long. This is helpful if you wish to hash your uploaded files or if you are looking for a way to reduce names collision.

'my_file.jpg' => 'y5bqsGmE1plNTF2.jpg'


avoid_overwriting: false # [false | true]

When the avoid_overwriting is enabled and a file with the same name of the uploaded one already exists in destination, it will be renamed. The newly uploaded file will be prefixed with the current date and time, concatenated by a dash.

'my_file.jpg' => '20160901130509-my_file.jpg'


limit: 10 # [1...X | 0 (unlimited)]

When the multiple setting is enabled, limit allows to constrain the number of allowed files for an individual field. If multiple is not enabled (not enabled by default), limit automatically falls back to 1.

When limit is set to 0, it means that there are no restrictions on the amount of allowed files that can be uploaded.

It is good practice to always ensure you have a set limit of allowed files that can be uploaded. This way you have more control over your server resources utilizations.


  - 'image/*' # Array of MIME types and/or extensions. ['*'] for allowing any file.

The accept setting allows an array of MIME type as well as extensions definitions. All of the extensions need to be starting with the . (dot) plus the extension itself.

In addition you can also allow any file by simply using the * (star) notation accept: ['*'].

  1. To only allow yaml and json files:

       - .yaml
       - .json
  2. To only allow images and videos:

       - 'image/*'
       - 'video/*'
  3. To allow any image, any video and only mp3 files:

       - 'image/*'
       - 'video/*'
       - .mp3
  4. To allow any file:

       - '*'


The max file size is limited by:

  1. field level filesize:, then ...

  2. Form plugin level configuration user/plugins/form.yaml setting files: filesize:, then if neither of those are limiting...

  3. PHP level configuration for upload_max_filesize for individual files that are uploaded, and post_max_size for the max form post total size.

  1. To limit a specific field to 5M

     name: myfile
     type: file
     label: A Label
     destination: 'plugins://my-plugin/assets'
     filesize: 5
       - image/*
  2. To limit all file fields to 5M, edit your user/config/form.yaml file:

     multiple: false
     limit: 10
     destination: 'self@'
     avoid_overwriting: false
     random_name: false
     filesize: 5
       - 'image/*

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